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Welcome! I'm Gabby.
I’m a mom of two, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and a baby nerd with degrees in psychology and human development. And I have a secret.
I believe we live in a culture that discourages parents whose instincts don’t align with mainstream, Western parenting norms. We are told that if we don’t do thinks like spank or sleep train, we will be doing our children and ourselves a lifelong disservice. But here’s the secret: The research doesn’t support that.
My mission at Mom Makes Joy is to help you navigate motherhood with confidence–even when it goes against the grain.

Welcome! I'm Gabby.
I’m a mom of two beautiful girls and a baby nerd with degrees in psychology and human development. And I have a secret.
I believe we live in a culture that discourages moms whose instincts don’t align with mainstream, Western parenting norms.

We are told that if we don’t spank, or don’t sleep train, or breastfeed past infancy–you name it–we will be doing our children and ourselves a lifelong disservice. But here’s the secret: The research doesn’t support that.
My mission at Mom Makes Joy is to help moms navigate motherhood with confidence–even when it goes against the grain.
"It is not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world. It is our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless."
L.R. Knost
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